Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blood Test - Y's Hair - shopping - Swimming

Always on the look out for interesting skies and this one attracted my attention. Not really a 'mackerel sky' but definitely 'fish-skinny' - perhaps a 'trout sky' ?

This morning was my blood-test, the first since the increase in my pain-patch strength and when we arrived home this evening there was a message from the clinic to inform me that it was messed-up again and increasing my warfarin dose. Ah well.

Y had her hair cut and then we shopped and tried a new Butcher. Quite impressed at first visit so we will see how it goes.

This afternoon we went over to BJ and hence to Southwell to see Hannah and Miles at their swimming lessons. Both did extremely well and Miles seemed to be the leading member of his class.

Also on our return there was a message from Bungus saying he had arrived home but was 'washed out'. Not surprising, in view of the last fortnight +. A better night's sleep will do him a lot of good and I've no doubt we shall exchange e-mails tomorrow.

Picture 2 is just some extra-large fir-cones. I had hoped to track down the variety but the best that 'google images' can do is 'sub alpine fir-cones'.

Whatever they are they look very attractive.

I had a ghastly night last night and plan early to bed, hoping for the best. But I shall retire, equipped with lots to read, laptop to play on, tea-mashing stuff - and, if I can't sleep again I am determined to enjoy it. Last night I copied out a few valuable PhotoShop shortcuts and learnt how to put a copyright mark and my 'rights reserved' details on any pictures I consider worth it. But there is lots more I can do tonight!

I noticed in Aldi's e-mail newsletter that they are selling Nürnberger Gingerbread and as I said to Y "We shall have to give that a 'trial'.

Quote for the day:-

"The gods too are fond of a joke."

We are off WoW-ing tomorrow - I know not where. But if the weather is good Y might come too, or she may prefer a day absolutely pleasing herself. Sleep tight everybody.

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