Monday, August 07, 2006

Steven & Family on Sunday

Steven and family came yesterday afternoon and we all did fun things. And I now have some Buckingham Palace Garden Party pictures, waiting to be blogged. But I think it will be better done in a day or two, when I'm feeling better. I don't want to reduce their appeal by sounding low. So I decided on the view from where I now am, i.e. in bed. Probably I should have withdrawn from the company yesterday but we were having such a good time, I overdid it.

Today, my entire food intake has been a small coffee and a tea-biscuit. But I moreorless kept it down. I've been sick again frequently even though there is nothing in my stomach I manage what I think is bile. Anyway - enough of this. Lets hope tomorrow is a better day!! I'll try and deal with a few emails now, before subsiding. Everyone is so kind and concerned. Y had a call from Jean at the National Trust this morning. She is a very nice lady and I was only sorry that I wasn't well enough to speak to her.................

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