Monday, August 21, 2006

Photos from our Baltic Correspondent

I've started my Blog early because I haven't had my results from the Blood Clinic yet and I wanted to publish these pictures from our Baltic Correspondent. Picture 1 is of Tallin, Estonia, from the ship quite early in the morning. Picture 2 is St Petersburg, The Cathedral of the Spilled Blood (Jill is not quite sure whose?) and Picture 3 is The Battleship Aurora from which the shot was fired which marked the start of the Russian revolution.

It's Birthday day today for Bob (alias Bungus) and June (a new reader but an old friend) so Happy Birthday to you both.

Our potential house-purchasers didn't want the bungalow and one of the reasons given was that "the garden isn't dog friendly". I can only assume that it is a very small dog and there was a risk of it getting lost, because the garden is large and even if a little overgrown, the boundary fences are secure and dog-proof. But I suppose they have to say something don't they? We weren't disappointed because we didn't think they were interested anyway.

The weather is very changeable, 17c and quite a wind plus loads of cloud. But more rain can only do good. Interesting article in the Telegraph this morning about how the drought and the parched fields have revealed archeological evidence to aerial photographs. Not only Roman and Medieval but some Neolithic stuff 6,000 years old. Lots had not previously been known about.

David and Helen and family, having safely returned from their Caravan holiday are working on us popping over for a cup of tea later in the week. They had some rain and David says that during one storm the drops beating on the roof was quite scary. It must have been bad because usually rain on a caravan roof, is good fun. Us going over of course, is subject to my Blood result later today.

I'm going to 'publish' at that point. And, if necessary, return and edit when the Clinic have telephoned me. Is Clinic singular or plural. If I've got it wrong please substitute 'has' for 'have'

The Clinic phoned at 6.30pm and my level is OK but I've to have it tested again on Thursday 24th. Ah well. At least no emergency hospital admission this week.............


Anonymous said...

Hi Graham, Really enjoyed reading your blogs for the last few days and I really appreciated the birthday wishes. When we are getting into more mature years the number of cards dwindle. Anyway thankyou. Fingers crossed that the blood results are OK and that you will be back to normal!! Your mention of the Telepgraph article re archeological evidence being exposed was interesting. As you know I only have the Telegraph on a Saturday so didnt see it. All for now.

Anonymous said...

Pleased you have managed to elude the hospital today, carry on the good work.....

We have the D.Telegraph daily too, and agree that those aerial photos taken during the drought were most interesting, also the reasons given for why they reveal themselves in the dry season.

Anonymous said...

Amazing picture of the Cathedral of Spilled Blood. Dubya should have one of those! Bungus said he thinks I'm a 'pussycat'; possibly, but pussycats are predators and kill things. They also have very sharp claws!