Friday, July 27, 2007

Pleasant July day - 70F - Rest Day

Weather changes again and today has been a lovely July day with a light wind. I guess that in July one is supposed to call it a 'summer breeze' which sounds altogether more acceptable.

Picture 1 is some phlox which, in spite of sounding like a mild skin disease, are very reliable and, as far as ours are concerned, trouble free. The snails don't seem keen, neither do the greenfly. They aren't invasive and, if you decide to move them, they come out easily. Pretty good plant I think?

I included the sprig of honeysuckle to indicate where these particular phlox are, i.e. next to 'sparrowville' and in front of a weigelia.

This morning we went to the 'Buyrite' shop in Heanor, hoping to buy a suitable box in which to hide the plug extension and assorted wires which link to the stuff on my computer desk. It is now beginning to look more 'like me' and it is great for instance to have the printer there and permanently attached and switched on. I printed a copy for Y of the Nat Trst stuff that Gordon forwarded, and it is more conducive to getting things done promptly than when I had to carry the printer from a shelf in my wardrobe, and then read how to plug it in and get it to be 'live'. We didn't find a suitable piece of furniture/equipment but as we go to Tracy's on Sunday, we pass a Wilko !

A problem with the pedal bin has been that a black plastic bit, which covers the pedal, kept dropping off. I would stick it back with a progressively changing variety of adhesives, up to and including super glue. No matter which, it persisted in coming off so this morning I had bright idea 6,325. I threw away the plastic bit and sprayed the pedal black. A casual walk past wouldn't reveal it and after all who is going to inspect the pedal bin and say "I think you will find that there is a black plastic bit missing here".

I can think of one 'commenter' who will now do precisely that, next time he visits. Fish & Chip day today and while our usual 'chunky haddock pieces' from Lidl were fine we had changed from our normal variey of oven chips and didn't like them as much. Apricots and greek yoghourt for pudding though !

As you may note from 'comments' I had omitted mention of Reg's foot equivalent of 'tennis elbow' and I hereby remedy the omission. Further research in Wikipedia about tennis/golfers/elbow did not take me immediately to a foot version. My attention was grabbed by "osgood-schlatter's syndrome" because Peter Osgood is one of the few footballers I can remember. I was also encouraged when I saw there were 'footnotes' - ha ha! But it was a blind alley I'm afraid and in anycase is mainly suffered by 10-14 year old boys which rather conclusively rules out Reg. None of this Reg should be taken as diminishing a very painful ailment about which you have all our sympathy.

When I collected Y from Burton Joyce it was nice to see Steven and he does genuinely seem much better. I think though that he still has a fair way to go because he said how quickly he tires and how stairs make him not only 'done-for' but also breathless. It would be nice to think that their holiday would be a chance for rest, but, with a young family, it never is is it?

My quote for the day is :-
"Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber at weekends"

Plus a favourite from my own personal quote Library :-

"Jenny kissed me when we met
jumping from the chair she sat in.
Time you thief, who love to get sweets into your list
put that in"

He was much criticised by the mainstream poetry lobby for 'triviality' but I've always rated him for some memorable lines. Takes all sorts as they say. And I love Bungus's invention of the name 'Nisson Lycra' for their new stretch limo ! John says stretch limos are basically unsafe and unroadworthy and their import should be restricted, and he should know !!

Leisurely coffee. Finish off Xword, read, radio and early kip. I must set my phone to remind me I am helping with the Exhibition in the morning. Catch you all tomorrow. Sleep tight.


Anonymous said...

If you had not told me, I would never have suspected that a pedal bin should have a black plastic bit.
But now that I know, I shall find it hard to forget.

We have stopped using ovenchips altogether. They were about the only thing that inevitably gave me indigestion anyway.
We now cut our own chunky chips or wedges, scoot them in olive oil na seasoning and oven bake them. Not like ‘proper’ chips and not like ‘chippie’ chips (which, at their best are terrific but are very variable, even from any one shop) but a good substitute nevertheless.

Is it not strange how, if one person acquires a rare affliction, someone else they know also gets it?
When I was at college I was troubled for several years with a ‘pilonidal sinus’, which no one I knew had ever heard of (don’t read this bit if you are about to eat, but it is a deep seated abscess at the base of the spine which fills and bursts, fills and bursts again, and again, and again). The first time I mentioned it to a group of fellow students one of them (Spackman)immediately said, “I’ve got that as well”. (Having got through my final year, I went into hospital to have it excised and spent a month in King’s Mill and a further month in Debdale Hall Recovery Hospital, convalescing).
Many years later, not only did my 15 year old stepson Simon Jackson, no mean athlete, develop Osgood-Schlatters - a knee problem in male adolescents (there is a female equivalent which has a different name) of which no one had ever before heard - but so did his classmate, and rival 100m runner, Craig Jackson. They both recovered fully after about 12 months of rest. Craig went on to play as a central defender for Notts County’s First XI under Jimmy Sirrel but lost his place when Barns???? took over as manager, left to join the police force, and is now a DS or DI (I think in Notts or possibly South Yorkshire, having spent 10 years or so with the National Crime Squad) and Simon has represented his county and country Firefighters’ Athletic Squad as a sprinter.

I think stretch limos are foul looking hybrid monstrosities and I have no doubt that John’s condemnation is correct.

Anonymous said...

For 'Barn????' please read 'Barnwell'.