Monday, July 09, 2007

61F - Some Rain - Busy Day - Steve in Hospital

To coin a phrase, I'm 'flat-packered'

From box to chair took me nearly 3 hours and, as previously, I finished up in my vest and pants due to generating so much heat. Y helped, passing me screws and things and brewing lots of tea.

None of that is important - Steven being in Hospital is. He has been diagnosed with pneumonia which of course can be very serious, but when we visited him he looked fine and was in good spirits. We took him loads of magazines and things and so has Tracy but all he wanted to do was sit and look at the ceiling. He said he loved his oxygen machine, and I well remember how good mine was when I was similarly afflicted. I thought if they would just let me take this home with me I shall be fine. He seems to think he will be out in a couple of days but.......... He had the great satisfaction, when looking around him, of knowing that he manufactured the doors! I'm serious folks, he did; he has three factories now and they make all sorts of expensive doors - for architectural projects, for banks and all sorts. We plan to go and see him again in the morning and things should be clearer by then. The National Trust trip to Riddlesdon Hall on Wednesday may have to be abandoned. We shall see.

Seeing what a trial the assembly of the chair from Ikea was it was perhaps just as well that the 'computer table' we chose was out of stock till next week. I would have been 'flat-packered x 2' - we did however, enjoy the fabulous value Ikea breakfast and surprisingly good coffee.

It was all worth it though because as you can see my office is going to be a lovely place to work. Nice room - super view - it's just a matter now of fine tune. Do I want my reference books on my left, or my right ?- do I need a desk lamp ?

I'm pleased to hear that Bungus's Cantonese meal worked out so successfully. The staff did marvellously to cope with all those special needs and requirements. I like Green Tea too but it is essential to have the sort with twiggy tea-leaves not the tea-bag variety. My Gran was very keen on it and of course that was before tea-bags were invented.

ArtDaily is mercifully free of typos - just the odd one to amuse, as this did :-

BARCELONA, SPAIN.- Marc Lacroix, photographer and friend of Salvador Dalì, has died in France after a long disease, his family reported. He was born in 1927 in Paris and livid in Catalonia since the 1970’s.

I've been 'livid' in Nottinghamshire for some years.

Tidying up my bedroom, and continuing to sort out my Office are calling for attention so I'm going to close down soon.

"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised"

- George F. Will

Just a quick p.s. Dr James le Fanu who writes a regular column in the Telegraph and always talks good sense, draw attention this morning to the massive over-prescription of statins to lower cholesterol and accused them of causing "aches and pains, poor mobility, disturbed sleep etc. etc. which can often be mistaken for decrepitude" I take quite a strong dosage and I think I'm going to self-medicate and leave them off for a fortnight to see what happens. Watch this space !

Firefox Vs IE ................. Everyone should be on Firefox by now - honest ! It's so much better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will you now be getting yourself a ‘proper’ PC now then, Mr Office Man?

I am sorry to hear that Steven has pneumonia and send him best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I had the jab because I am mature enough to have it offered and I was assured that it has no side effects (ie, not like the flu jab). I was told it might need a booster in 40 years so I made an appointment.
I think I have already commented on the fact that when everybody smoked, no one had asthma. But whatever became of bronchitis? Did it disappear with the coal fires and fogs?
I have just been told the news that there are problems in London because there are so many people smoking on the pavements that they are spilling onto the streets and disrupting traffic flow.
If its not one thing …
And young people might be less inclined to binge drink if pubs didn’t charge twice as much for Coke as they do for lager and vodka.

The China Tea was the proper twiggy stuff with either chamomile or jasmine (we couldn’t agree).
Do please assure me RG that you take it without milk or sugar.

I thought I should check the dictionary because I have long thought that ‘livid’, when used to describe colour, does not mean what I think it should mean.
My Longman’s says it means:
“discoloured by bruising (ie, blue, purple, yellow, brown, green), black & white, ashen, pallid, reddish.” So that clears that up!
I’ll stick to it meaning “enraged” which was how my mother always used it.

I suppose if George F Will, then so will I.
I have often thought myself that pessimists suffer fewer disappointments in life.

I am not a Fanu of Dr James le.
I find him extrememly unconvincing as a medical conspiracy theorist.
I have been on a low dose of statin after going on a three year clinical trial. I knew within 3 days that I was not on the placebo because my shin splints disappeared as if by magic.
Having said that, I suffer to a greater or lesser degree from all the symptoms mentioned. But I think it probably IS decrepitude.
Nevertheless, if it works for you I might try leaving them off for a while.

Re “Everyone should be on Firefox by now - honest ! It's so much better.”
Better than what? Rowntree’s Motoring Chocolate? 531 tubing? Fish, chips & peas, bread & butter, cup of tea twice? WD40? A pee when you are really desperate?