Monday, May 08, 2006

Chilly wet day - Offer for Bungalow

I felt I couldn't really leave the Don Williams Concert without these two pictures.

Notices prohibited photography or recording during the performance and I honoured that, but many ignored it. The right hand picture was taken while everyone was waiting and the left hand picture was from the pavement afterwards. It shows not the Royal Concert Hall but the cinema-complex opposite and is an impressively colourful spectacle after dark.

I went up to Burchall & Edwards to chase up the particulars, which still hadn't arrived in the post, though promised. Apparently there were errors in them and they had to be done again. No picture of the front of the bungalow for one thing, which seems like a substantial omission. I think Estate Agents deserve their reputation, but we had such high hopes this time. Having said that, this afternoon they rang to tell us the yesterday's people had made an offer. They had, but it was £20,000 below our rock-bottom asking price. We decided to decline for the present and to wait and see what the next few weeks brings. It was only put on the market with these agents on May 3rd after all.

The weather has not been May-like and if it wasn't for the colour you could believe it was November. The temperature was 8C this morning and hardly rose above 10 and it rained more-or-less steadily all day.

Not much to Blog really today. We had our cold pork at lunchtime and I made some broccoli and stilton soup for this evening. With part-baked rolls naturally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my third attempt to comment. Using the scroll bar on extreme right of screen results in permanentloss of box, which is not nice.
Like the very atmospheric exterior shot of Concert Hall (int OK).
Glad to hear that you have had even a half-hearted response to house sale, even if it is just a 'try-on'. When selling my parents' house I had 2 or 3 like this and was wondering 'Must I sell so cheaply?' before someone offered the asking price. My experience of Estate Agents is that they like to make substantial amounts of risk-free money by doing as little as possible not very efficiently. I have heard it said that some are better than others but I, uncharitably, incline to the view that some are worse than others.
Hope there was some apple sauce left for Yvonne (or, otherwise, Branston Pickle or the Netto equivalent which is much cheaper, very nearly as good and, mostimporatntly, available).