Friday, March 03, 2006

The whole family on my 70th

Although this was back on 28th October 2005, now I have a blog I wanted to include it.

It was a lovely occasion and a day for me to cherish. Tracy did the catering, with some help from Andy who did a Thai curry, and everything was super.

We were even lucky with the weather which was foul before the day and awful after. Posted by Picasa

Morning of 3.3.06 Yvonne went to see the nurse for the results of her blood-test etc. Her blood pressure is up and her cholesterol is 5.7 (would have been considered fine a while back) and she has to go back in a month. She IS stressed over the house-move.

After we had been shopping we went to see Beryl and take her some crunchy nut cornflakes. She really isn't very well and isn't eating. Kate is coming at the weekend and the best plan would be for Beryl to go back with her for a couple of weeks.

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