Friday, February 16, 2007

8C - Heavy Rain - Fence - Rest Day

I know I promised crocuses, sharp front-to-rear but I certainly wasn't going to stand outside in the pouring rain to set up a tripod etc.. So they will have to wait for better weather.

It really has been appalling and Alex was halfway through the fence repair. Bless him, he worked through it, saturated, but I suppose when you are young.

He has done a super job and also has lopped the tops off the conifers at the rear of the garage. We've kept him liberally supplied with tea and coffee and at one stage I offered to wring out his woolly hat. Anyway, as you can see from Picture 2 that aspect of his various jobs is now completed. The fence panelling is 'treated-wood' and doesn't need painting, thank goodness. It will just weather and blend in.

My competition pictures failed again. They really don't like that portrait. Apart from the portrait I would have been a strong contender, he said. It wasn't just me that suffered. A fellow member had submitted an excellent panel including a strong picture of two men on a building-site. The judge, from Leicester again, said "They don't look very cheerful". Then he rabitted on endlessly about "the rule of thirds" having not the slightest that what he actually means is "the golden-section" which is subtly different.

Not to worry; I'm still enjoying the club very much and the camaraderie.

Had somewhat of a triumph with NTL. The bills this month, particularly for the TV and Broadband seemed very high, so I rang up and did "reasonable but firm" fairly well. End result :- £20 credit to the account for this months bill and the monthly amount in future reduced from £42.03 to £20 on a regular basis. Lots of people on WUforums have reported that if you ring NTL and whinge convincingly enough you always get a refund. Y said that I dealt with it all rather well. (Wowee - Praise indeed) There is actually a website called NTHell but I haven't used it. Perhaps things will get better now its Virgin.

Being Friday we had fish, chips and peas. They were lovely (recipe not published) but I find I have gone off tartare-sauce. Strange. And thanks Bungus but I think we also can survive without Nigel Slater's recipe for Cabbage on Toast.

We have enjoyed our Rest Day so much we decided to put-off shopping till tomorrow. No doubt we can find a few scraps to survive on.

Out of the options Y has decided on toasted Pain de Campagne (it makes beautifully crisp toast) and crab paté. I atcually remembered how to do the accent - Alt Gr plus the letter at the same time.

.....Time to do tea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right about the nasty weather. Short walk this morning suited both Ralph and myself.

Sorry your portrait not a prize winner. You speak as though it is the only one you have?
You must give them a good talking to about the Golden Section; perhaps a Powerpoint presentation?
If the weather on that building site was anything like today there’s no wonder the workers didn’t look cheerful.

I know our Dan has had financial success in complaining to NTL although I believe he had to threaten to rip the cable out of the whole street or something before they agreed to pay him a retainer to keep it.
What does the £20 a month cover then? And is there an annual lump sum charge?

Some would think I have eaten strangely today: marmite on toast for brekky; a banana cob for lunch; sardines on toast for tea followed by a satsuma and a couple of doughnuts. And I have a slow cooked rice pudding with a lovely brown skin, as yet untouched.

I know how to do the accent as well: you speak through the nose and go “Aanh, aah-aah-aanh, aanh-ha.”
I’ll try and remember the Alt Gr though. And didn’t you tell me about something that could be done with Ctrl / Alt? Dan has supplied me with a new keyboard so I could try it again.