Friday, June 29, 2007

Mostly fine - Rest Day - 60F

Due to the excessive rain Karen has been unable to mow and the rear lawn looks quite attractive. Perhaps we ought to let it become a wild-flower meadow in front of our neo-woodland (which isn't on purpose but has overgrown our original intent).

Looks nice though, and a veritable haven for wildlife.

Y has been enjoying Wimbledon and has discovered the facility of 'interactive' , which means she can choose which match she wants to watch from a choice of around 7, I think. The BBC are, in my opinion, doing very well at the moment. And they are due to add a TV equivalent of BBc Radio's 'listen again' system. I have been a dedicated user for at least 2 years and consider that gives me value for the licence fee, even accounting for my minimal TV viewing.

Picture 2 I've decided is the best I can do with the campions. At least I've managed to retain the delicate tracery of the petal veins which previously have been blocked. But I don't seem to be able to capture their distinctive glowing magenta/blue/red whatever I do. And, as is often the case when one has to admit defeat, I ask myself "Is it important?" To which I invariably answer "No."

Steven is ill, with some sort of flu I think it is. He was sufficiently ill to return home from work and go to the doctor, which is unlike Steven. The Dr prescribed antibiotics and said if he hadn't been able to stop the infection Steven would have acquired fluid on his lungs. His sister has been over and says he really is poorly. But, on a good note, her new grading and promotion have now been confirmed by letter; in good old-fashioned hard copy which always seems more trustable !

Just spoken to David, and Helen seems a little better today, after a sort of rest-day. But rest-days are almost impossible when you are a young Mum with 2 girls and a working husband. And she always seems to do so much anyway. I've sent her a Jacqui Laswon 'get-well e-card' and it has balloons you need to 'click' to start it going. Sky and Brooke will enjoy that bit!. Which brings me to my first quote - Brooke speaks so fast I sometimes have difficulty but-

"What music is more enchanting than the voices of young people, when you can't hear what they say?"

- Logan Pearsall Smith

and rather harsher now, but he is right I'm afraid-

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."

- Oscar Wilde

I enjoyed Bungus's 'comment' on the modern use of words. I just hope I retain the ability to tell whether I am having a 'slash' or a 'stroke' thougth. Seems crucial to me.

Shower >then coffee >then > then > early night. Sleep tight everybody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took the plunge today in view of the forecast for the weekend.
Even though the grass was still very damp I mowed it quite successfully, I think for the first time in a fortnight or more. I agree with you that long grass can look attractive although for me it is like hair; I rather prefer mine longish but there comes a time when it needs cutting.

Yes, I do think that sometimes you worry too much about colour, especially as (broadly speaking) everyone perceives colours differently, ie, I say turquoise is a greeny shade of blue and some other people think it is a bluey shade of green.

It does sound as though Steven is suffering. But I don’t think it can be flu because that is a virus and, as I understand it, viruses don’t respond to antibiotics. I dare say I shall be told if I am wrong. And if you are in bed and can't get up who cares what it's called provided you are getting appropriate treatment.

Re the Oscar Wilde quote: I recall a story of one of the Mitford girls saying “Of course, you never met Hitler, did you? Absolutely charming.”

The slash connotation occurred to me but I could not think of a delicate way to handle it (so to speak).
Some 13 years ago I asked a friend’s young son if he would like to stroke Ralph. “No,no, no.” he said, backing away, “My grandad died of a stroke.”