Friday, August 08, 2008

David's Villa - My damned Computer !

Picture 1 is from David's mobile phone and is the villa they have been using in Majorca. It looks like a very pleasant spot and I love the (strategically placed?) bright orange towel. The picture becomes quite Turner-esque in consequence.

Sending pictures by mobile phone is something I would like to master. David sent me a text with a URL to the picture which I then openned on the internet. The cameras on mobiles are becoming so sophisticated and high quality output.

Picture 2 is one of my holiday snaps and these people picnicking with their Classic Car made a pleasant scene. Somewhere between The Impressionists and Henri Cartier-Bresson I thought, but I'm sure he would have produced a much better picture than mine.

I sought their permission and, such is digital photography, I showed them the result on my LCD screen.

The second part of today's title is understandable. Serif emphasized the simplicity of PcMover. Well, it wasn't. They didn't tell me that I actually need a cable to go with the programme, at twice the price. I had installed the programme on both new PC and old Laptop before I discovered this. In the end it has been necessary to 'uninstall' from both because, whether connected or not I can't be sure, but I have completely lost photoshop on the PC and on the laptop it was performing strangely. Even after uninstalling the programme I've had to do a 'system restore' on the laptop to get things running normally. So be it. Perhap's Bungus's policy of 'minimum/nil intervention' is best.

All this led to discombobulation and me needing yet another lie down.


Jill ..... Glad you enjoyed the pictures and Y says she is willing to settle for either The Queen or Brigitte Bardot (in her early days, not now) as a look-alike. And it was coffee in the glass mug.

The Woodcraft Folk - as you say, there were political overtones. As is explained in the Wikipedia link (under the title) they began because the founders were unhappy with the militaristic and right wing nature of The Scout movement. A comment just in from Helen makes the same point. I personally feel that both organisations are fairly innocuous these days and get youngsters together to do fun things.

Sorry you weren't able to have your usual freshly-knitted sandwiches and had to go all ethnic. Like you, I always used to feel chicken dishes were a safe option. But one hears such horrific things these days about the rearing of the birds. Perhaps the Japanese Restaurant only uses free-range chicken - but I doubt it !

Best of luck with your RC wedding ! The trouble is they take it very seriously and the service lasts so long. The last one Y and I went to was Shaun Moseley's (one of Sir Oswald's grandsons - different branch than Max who was recently in the news) and it seemed interminable. Contrary to what you might expect Shaun and Teresa are not remotely right-wing. Shall be interested to learn if it was 'white' or not.

Bungus ..... You certainly remain very even-tempered about your Hospital visits and the transport. Congratulations.

Re Helen's 'Bay' - I suppose many coastlines look similar. Unless of course you include Slartibartfasts coastline of Norway which he was so proud of having designed in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

So glad you are enjoying Pete's Mannanans Cloak and he will be delighted for you to share the URL with others. As you know, but for the benefit of others, Pete Brady (or Manxislander on WebUser forums) is a lifeboat man on the Isle of Wight.

Thanks for the photo (by e-mail) of your Norwegian girlfriend (1951) and Y will be flattered.

Helen ...... Please see above re the 'bay' picture and thanks also for the Puffin (e-mail) which I will publish soon. AnonymousRob, Reg, Roy, Brian and Mike will have a wry smile because many years ago at Eastwood Photographic Society, Puffins with beaks full of sand eels were so popular I once suggested they should form part of the club logo.

You are bang on about the Woodcraft Folk - see comment to Jill above.

I agree that 'bone idle' is corrrect, rather than 'born idle'. I s'pose we could put them together and use 'born bone-idle'. Your Mum's "skinny Lizzie from the boneyard" is delightful and completely new to me.

A similar Ashbourne expression was "as idle as Litheram's dog". I never discovered who Litheram was, perhaps readers can help ?

The posh mug is definitely for daily use. And is a delight ! I shall drink more tea than ever.


Quotation time ........... for the benefit of aspiring writers .........

"A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation to the editor"

Ring Lardner

Sleep tight. See you tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Once more a surprisingly sharp mobile phone photo.
But I don’t think the orange ‘spot’ is enough to make it Turner-esque for me (not ‘impressionistic’ enough).

Super car photo; I thought SS at first (1930s precursor to the Jaguar) but the mascot is wrong. Must be Bentley?
I think it has to be the beret and the boater that make you think Impressionism (the focus is too sharp for it to be the ‘paint’).

Having read of your computer problems with the Serif programme, I am certainly glad that it wasn’t me attempting it! What some would describe as ‘a real pisser’. Additional cables are not an uncommon requirement – my ‘TV hearing aid’ required one which, with postage, ended up costing another tenner (a couple of quid of which could have been avoided if I had read the instructions correctly).
I have a Serif programme, as yet unwrapped, to transfer video tape to DVD. I don’t know whether I dare open it now!
My method seems to have worked with the internet anyway – disappeared one day, left it, reappeared the next. Stilll no sign of Firefox re-emerging after update though. Having said that, it was captioned when I enlarged the photos.

I have yet to eat Japanese although just today I was reading that Butlins in Wales have introduced it to their range of options (sushi & chips?).
It shouldn’t give me too much difficulty because I have no problem with raw fish (but fresh tuna is not my favourite). Nevertheless, I've a feeling I might want to stick it in the microwave for half a minute.

I have only been to one RC wedding and, as you say, it seemed to be going on forever. Likewise the funerals.
Neither event did anything to attract me to the faith any more than did the church's 'opulence amid poverty' in Malta.

My being “even-tempered about … hospital visits and the transport” is another example of the serene swan with crazy legs - calm on the suface but frantic underneath the waterline. My blood pressure was up - but whether because of that or the boundary dispute is uncertain.

I have forwarded the Mannanans Cloak link to Paul.
Are Pete/Pete Brady/Manxislander on WebUser forums (a lifeboat man on the Isle of Wight) one and the same person?
If he lives on IoW how does he take photos of the IoM? It can't just eb a telephoto lens, can it?

I never became a scout (although I once went to camp with them, under the supervision of a 16 year old) but I might have been tempted to join the Woodland Folk. Sounds a bit Tolkien or Rupert (of Nutwood).

Yes, it seems that that my original belief (in ‘bone-idle’ being correct) is correct and either I or the Emmerdale scriptwriter misheard it as ‘born idle’.
From google:
“Robert Forby didn't quite define 'bone idle' in his glossary The Vocabulary Of East Anglia, 1830, but he did almost everything but:
"Bone-lazy, bone-sore, bone-tired, adj. so lazy, sore, or tired, that the laziness, the soreness, or the fatigue, seem to have penetrated the very bones."
(Note: Forby also provided the earliest known definition of 'bone dry' in the same work, although the two terms are unrelated).
The earliest citation that I can find of the precise 'bone idle' phrase comes from Thomas Carlyle's New Letters, 1836:
‘For the last three weeks I have been going what you call bone-idle.’"

I recall you asking about Litheram's dog some time ago – pre-blog I suspect. I checked it again on google, with the following result:
“once the local paper asked if anybody knew of anything and somebody wrote to ask if anybody knew of the identity of Litheram’s dog, so I wrote to the paper and I said I didn’t know, but that my mother in law use to quote that - and we never knew who - and I said, ‘Well, I can tell you why the saying was because he lay down to bark’.”
(From “An Oral History interview with Dorothy Lawrence Interviewed by Roger Kitchen on Wednesday 20 April 2005” which has much else of interest in it.)

Anonymous said...

Of course it is "bone idle"; the writers and actors in Emmerdale are all middle-class and cannot get colloquial expressions correct. Either that or the actor involved was struggling to get a proper Yorkshire accent.

I thought from the title of this blog that RG was celebrating the start of the new football season by commenting on the David Villa transfer speculation. Good luck to the Stags this season (they'll need it) and especially today at Ebbsfleet. A good start could make all the difference.

I have failed to make much of an appearance recently due to being busy. I now get out of the office as much as I can because it is too depressing to be in it. Hence no blogging during working hours. Evenings have tended to be taken up with finishing off the assessing of an NVQ. It's all done now, except for a trip to Wetherby today for the signing of forms. Maybe I'll be able to do some photography soon.

I'm not sure, Bungus, if I replied to your e-mail about the wedding invite. I do understand your situation and don't worry; just turn up if you feel able to. Hopefully, I shall see you before then anyway.

The other evening Elaine and I were having a conversation about my mum's sayings and somehow (I can't remember how) we got on to our schooldays. I said I can clearly remember telling my mum, in my first year at primary school, that someone wrote with their left hand. A friend of mum's was there at the time I said this, as I recall mum saying to her that it was really good that schools allowed left-handed children to write with their left hand and not force them to write right-handed like they used to do. Such enlightenment in the mid-50s!

I love the car in the photo and did think of the Great Man's On the Banks of the Marne when I saw it. Surely the car is a Rolls Royce? It looks like the Spirit of Ecstasy to me but I have no idea of the model. Anyway I want one!


Anonymous said...

Pete Manxislander lives on the Isle of Man not Wight!

Anonymous said...

I love the car photograph, it should have a wicker hamper around somewhere from Fortnums.

And the villa with the orange towel, one wonders if they took it with specially.

I always thought it was 'bone-idle' too.

Sorry about your computer problems, I am of Bungus's persuasion - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The wedding was indeed long, but not without some pleasures. Interesting choice of hymns, Jerusalem, I vow to thee my country. Bread of Heaven and Lord of the Dance. I sang away to everything, me and about two others, though it was a packed church. Trouble is, I really can't sing, but I enjoyed it.

Bride wore a plain white satin strapless dress, with a sort of transparent, gauzy purple tunic over it, this was long-sleeved and high necked. She had a sheaf - huge - of those lovely mauvey-purple delphiniums, never seen those carried in a bouquet before, except this was not really a bouquet. It lasted an hour and a half - then we were escorted onto two double-decker buses (we had been told not to use cars) which took us to the reception.

This where it began to go down hill, nothing to eat for a couple of hours (plenty to drink) and not enough chairs or tables. We were OK on this score, the groom had marked a table 'old crocks' - so we sat there with others of our generation (whom we knew).

Some chap frantically began cooking beefburgers and sausages on a barbecue - for 240 people? - they were black outside and raw inside, some stale rolls, various tired-looking salads. Puddings for about 50, very few people got any. Hopelessly inefficient, kept running out of cutlery and plates, staff didn't speak much English, manager unobtainable.

We really thought it was the worst organised and food we had ever hd at these sort of events, OK you don't go for the food but people deserve better than this. It was nothing to do with the groom's mother (Jenny, you may remember, I think she sat next to G at our GW do?) all organised by the happy couple, and I must say that some of the younger contingent seemed happy enough, eating this stuff. Perhaps we are too fussy?

Anyway we came home around 7.00, we had recorded the opening ceremony of the Olympics and we watched some of that over scrambled eggs.....