Monday, February 26, 2007

7C - Sunny/windy Day - Barometer rising

Picture 1 is from a book Y has from Bromley House of unbelievable pictures from orbiting satellites. This is the Lena River delta in Russia which runs for 2,800 miles before pouring into the Arctic.

When I first saw it I thought it was a painting by Gustav Klimt that I didn't know.

My photo of it doesn't really do it justice. I can't attribute it to a photographer because unless someone is sitting up there looking out of the window and armed with a digital Hasselblad I assume it is all done automatically. Prolly with mirrors ! I know Richard Branson is going to offer space flights, bless him, but I personally have no wish to go. Every generation sees massive change don't they ? My grandma's name was Arabella, shortened by my grandad to Belle and my Dad used to tell a lovely story of grandad arriving home and saying - "They've done it Belle - 60 miles in the hour" - a Railway train I've always assumed. Perhaps one of our 'transport correspondents' could help us with more details, the year etc.?

Picture 2 is much easier to explain.

I liked this crocus with the sun shining through the petals. So I isolated it, made a 'selection' of it in PS Elements and then subjected the background to 'gaussian blur'. All it purports to be is a nice picture which was fun to do. It has so obviously been 'manipulated' and I'm not trying to fool anybody into believing that the photograph is 'as it was'. I think there is a subtle difference and I don't consider this sort of work to be against my self-imposed ethical code. Comments would be most welcome.

Quick shop this morning - some lovely fresh Pain de Campagne with which I made sandwiches for lunch. Y had ham with a garnish of nuts and grapes, while I had cheddar and lettuce with an antipasti garnish.

For evening meal Y is doing a steak and mushroom pie, with loads of veg and I suspect, a cherry scone to follow. With, of course, lashings of mugs of tea. While in Lidl I picked up a packet of Rooibos (Redbush)Tea. I understand it isn't actually 'tea' but seeds from South Africa. What I do know is Precious Ramotswe of No 1 Detective Agency drinks it all the time.

This afternoon the lady from our chosen Estate Agents came to take some photographs and she seemed very thorough. Fortunately the sun was shining brightly so the place should look attractive. Already some colour from the bulbs, and of course, from now till July the garden just improves. And from then on there's the dahlias and loads of other stuff. I'm not going to tempt providence this time by saying we don't expect to see the raspberries in full production, but lets just hope 'eh.

Dame Helen Mirren won an Oscar for her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth the Second in the film. She got her 'thank you' speech just right, no faux tears, no over-gush. And she very nicely said that it was The Queen as a person who was actually being honoured, not her. Ah well !

....Off for me dinner now. Catch you tomorrow......


Anonymous said...

When I got up your blog, I thought the delta picture was some weird undersea coral.....fascinating stuff.

I thought Helen Mirren got it just right too - have you seen the film, I loved it, except for the bit about the stag, didn't get that at all. Pleased Peter O'Toole did NOT win, I thought he was really revolting in 'Venus', gave me the creeps (though I suppose that could have been acting?)

Anonymous said...

Today has been the second very cold day in a row, with a biting wind. Tee shirt, 2 pullies and a fleece time!

First impression when Picture 1 flashed up was ‘Gauguin, a detail’.
I readily admit that I cannot take snaps like that.
My dad used to say ’Too daft to laugh at!’ if anyone mentioned the possibility of Space Travel.

The backlit crocus is beautiful and, as the flower itself, I assume, has not been ‘altered’ (as opposed to a little possible and permissible enhancement of the ’Feeling Lucky’ variety) I am more than happy with it. Could be a prize winner, I’d say.

If the lovely Precious Ramotswe drinks it, it may be very nice (or quite disgusting!). I enjoyed the first book but haven’t felt the need to read any more.

I had a pleasantly serendipitous culinary experience over the last couple of days. Looking for something to have with a jacket potato, I fried a sliced red onion with a small quantity of tiny bits of chorizo type spicy sausage. I then mixed it with a half tin of baked beans and simmered.
Very good, but I couldn’t eat it all.
So, for breakfast the next morning I reheated it and had it on toast with a scrambled egg. Even better. Highly recommended.
Andtoday (Mon), after many years experimentation, I have at last made the perfect bread & butter pudding.

I haven’t seen ‘The Queen’ because it hasn’t been on one of the basic TV channels yet.
But Helen Mirren would always get my vote for her TV Tennyson roles and her highly erotic performance in ‘The Cook, The Thief, His Wife And Her Lover’ with Michael Gambon (1989).