Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Karen day - Y 'hair' and then 'nails' at Sherwood

Steven sent these pictures from their holiday in Scotland and, for space reasons, I've collaged them together. He also sent some lovely people pictures not for publishing because Y doesn't like the idea of worldwide access to them, particularly the children.

Although the above two snaps depict rather forbidding weather they have had some sun too and sound very much as if they are enjoying themselves which is the main thing. The children are at a super age to amuse themselves, and, with Millicent, no-one will be bored.

I'm so pleased to be able to publish the picture on the left - to demonstrate the return of the Goldfinches.

The level of thistle seed in their feeder had not been going down very much but, over the last couple of days they have made up for lost time.

The Great Tits are more active but are such frenzied feeders (mostly peanuts) its hard to get a decent sharp photograph. I shall keep trying however and when I succeed mug-shots will appear herein.

This morning Karen arrived just before 9.30am and Y's Hair appointment wasn't till 10.45am so we didn't rush out. Its nice to see her for an hour anyway - we learn lots about 'how the other half lives' not Karen, who is quite normal but some of her neighbours and their friends. She sometimes does cleaning jobs for her landlord and she agreed to clean up one of his houses. The tenants had done a 'midnight flit' after having been growing cannabis in the loft.

I took Y down to Eastwood for her 'hair' and then onwards to Sherwood for her 'nails'. I didn't wait for her but came back via Mapperley Top and Newstead. I discovered the road from the A60 to Papplewick and Linby was closed for repairs so my attempt to avoid the holdup near the City Hospital didn't actually save any time. The scenery was prettier though. Y bussed it into Nottingham and then to Brinsley.

In the absence of Reg, WoW tomorrow is being masterminded by Roy. I can't manage it due to a conflicting blood-test but the group intend to go to Calver which is always nice. I've left a message on Helen C's answer-phone.

My responses to your previous comments

Bob ..... Re the Green Man and Black's Head Royal Hotel at Ashbourne. During my time local people simply called it The Green Man.

Re: My 'wheels' versus 'my shooting stick'. I must admit to feeling more tired, and my legs and back ache more. But I am convinced it is the right thing to do. There's no doubt that some people react to you differently if you appear 'disabled' and I don't like to be treated as a deaf idiot. We will see how we go !

Yvonne .... I sincerely hope that the Hayley Pool isn't overcrowded tomorrow. If I'm to drop you off it would perhaps make sense for me to hang around for 5 minutes to see is you want to come straight back. If you don't appear I'll assume that all is well.

I agree about Mrs Cleese, and also the carnivorous pitcher plant named after David Attenborough. The linked page explains and I thought we should have it on record.

Jill ..... I managed to circumvent having deleted your comment. Thank goodness ! I would have felt awful.

Re: Howell & Marsden. The firm was a Grocers but they also had a wholesale liquor licence. The firm owned 3 pubs in the town itself and several more in surrounding villages. These they supplied with the booze. My Dad had a nervous breakdown in 1949 and, as I was only 14yrs old there was little I could do. The family all insisted that the business and the freehold to the premises, including the pubs, be sold off so they could get at the money. It was a tragedy.

The only public transport I use regularly is the tram to Nottingham. These are beautifully designed. No steps.


Quotation time ......

"The smaller the mind the great the conceit"


"Sleep tight - Catch you tomorrow"



  1. Envy your Goldfinches.
    I shall have to try thistle seed as well as niger.

    Could I recall an excellent meal (Monkey-Gland Steak) at William IV, Calver?

    I’m accustomed to ’deaf idiot’ treatment.
    Mainly because I frequently mishear people!

    Fully understand your regret at losing family inheritance.
    Did you never consider a novel?
    We are linked by grocery.
    My great grandfather Strutt had a prestige establishement on Leeming Street at Mansfield.
    His son's (my grandfather George Herbert - one of first pupils at Brunts Technical School, Mansfield) brother-in-law (my great uncle Herbert) was sacked after a week as errand boy.
    So he formed a building company (Baggaleys).

    Many of our buses now have no steps.

    Sunday’s ‘Single-Handed’ enthralled but, even though switching over (for MoD) meant second half watched on iplayer, I thought it ‘lacked legs’ for feature-film length.
    Although very different, Monday’s ‘The Street’ did more in half the time. Spall, McGovern, et al excelled as usual.

    Another good win for Stags.

    Bonfire next door on Sunday night at 8.00. Not as big or close as last one but still 12ft flames, 30ft sparks.
    Remained aglow at 11.00.
    And another smaller one Tue night!

  2. We seem to be all having a grocery background. My grandmother (mothers side) her husband and all his family had grocery businesses mostly in Sheffield. I was always told that grandmother could add up a columns of pounds, shillings and pence summing all three columns simultaneously - and that was before GCSE's.

  3. Reg: Thanks for the Hayley tip - went at 12 and it was fine. But I overheard a telephone conversation when the receptionist was saying if you join now you can have 14 months membership for the cost of 12. So maybe more crowds in future.

    My family had no connection with grocers .......... Ah, but just thought - my first husband's mother had a grocery shop! So, I do, after all, even if it was 50 years ago.

  4. Thanks for sorting out my comments, G, it was all my own fault, rules is rules,if you join the club, you obey them....

    It's very hot here today, too hot for comfort.....

    Interesting black and white photos, and lovely plump goldfinch.

    Y - well, you had one peaceful swim.....I can't think of any grocery connection in my family...and G, it was riches to rags to riches, in your case? How sad.

    I thought 'Single-handed' too long, lost interest in it. I didn't think the series as good as the critics did. I thought 'The Street' was very well written and performed, but I would have liked some joy, some happiness in it occasionally....

    Our buses have a step which driver can lower in the front, for pushchairs and the like, and at the rear entrance where the exit is there is a ramp for wheelchairs to come aboard - have only seen this happen twice in years....


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