You may be becoming satiated with Trent Bridge pictures so this may well be the last. Unless a fellow WoW-er offers me something specifically for inclusion.
The picture on the left appeals because of its front to rear crispness. The reason is simple - 50mm lens at f11 which is adequate for a good depth of field.
During the night, on radio, I heard Les Dennis on With Great Pleasure and was favourably surprised. He had unexpected depths and came across as a very nice chap !
This morning I took Y to the railway station to commence her trek to Palmers Green. It was surprising how few vehicles and people there were about. Can it be the recession? No problem with parking and there didn't seem to be the usual throng milling around in the entrance area. She later texted me to announce her safe arrival but, having spoken on the phone around 8.30pm , her journey after St Pancras was horrific.
After the railway station I went to Maplins on Radford Boulevard for a few bits and bobs. I wanted a mini vacuum cleaner like Reg's so my D80's innards will be pristine, and I also needed a couple of headphone extension cables for ease of radio-listening in bed. I opted for 1½ metre length. Also needed were some smaller headed Phillips screwdrivers.
The snap on the left, on my mobile phone, is not a competition winner but will I hope convey the feel of the place. It has the same effect on me as IKEA - I could spend hours in there just browsing. As you know, I am no 'handyman', but the packs of tools look so bright and efficient. After that I went to the Aldi next door for some 'food essentials' until Y returns on Tuesday.
Photos for the WoW Album for Trent Bridge continue to arrive and I have enjoyed the activity and little tasks necessary to upload them. Then I circulated the Picasa Web Album link to those involved to keep them up-to-date.
TJ rang to make sure I was OK - she is so good at 'thinking about my welfare'.
During the morning I also sorted out my AntiVirus issue with ESET. They were most helpful and easy to deal with. So - another item ticked off my to-do-list.
Looking forward to going to Long Eaton tomorrow and seeing them all and getting up-to-date.
My responses to your previous comments
Jill ..... You and I must stick together about County Hall, irrespective of Bob's support for the extension. I think Y is in our camp too although we didn't have time to discuss it in depth.
Food is tricky ! This morning for instance I decided on two boiled eggs with bread & butter, a 'once every ten months' breakfast decision. As you said earlier, tea and toast takes some beating. I've 'gone off' muesli because it sticks to my teeth. Full English is for holidays, or IKEA of course and I'm not keen on porridge.
Like Y, I love your Voltaire quip ! - très imaginatif madame.
Bob ..... We love corned-beef hash but I don't even need to look in my 'obesity clinic' handouts. The general rule is - "If its really nice, its bad for you".
Congratulations on your pastry too. My hands are too warm I understand. My Mum used to say you need ice-cold hands to make decent shortcrust.
Thanks for the architectural info and opinion. I knew we could rely on you.
David Jones certainly is enlightened. A joy to be with and v. good for an hour in the pub. I am fairly sure you will have met him at our house during one of our periodic 'thrashes' perhaps at 199 Derby Road. We don't seem to do them anymore. Just the odd sausage-fest.
Yvonne ..... I will try to remain unbiscuited during your absence. But nibbling instead of cooked meals is a temptation. When you return we'll resume with a will.
Quotation time .......
"Nothing makes it easier to resist temptation than a proper bringing-up, a sound set of values - and witnesses" Lots of bits and bobs to do tomorrow and if the light is OK I must do some record-photography in the garden. There is a border Y wants recorded ao she knows where the gaps are, for the next planting. Better than drawing a plan. BTW, Y has taken the Casio to London because she needs some up-to-date people pictures.
"Sleep tight - catch you tomorrow"
Hope I haven't forgotten anything
I thought you had gained access to the hidden depths of Mitchell Brothers. Approx. just under the Castles foundations judging by the small hand tools section. See you in the morning.
Les Dennis - he was the entertainer on a ship we were on, he was great, he joined R and I at lunch one day because R had a Falklands t-shirt on and he had been there entertaining the troops.We were very pleasantly surprised!
I'll join you for breakfast - every ten months (why ten?) - suits me fine.
All those little packets of screws etc - you get a display like that in haberdashery shops nowadays (if you can find one) and especially in the US, known as 'Notions Nook'. I can spend hours browsing there......
A shame Y had such a horrid last-part-of-journey. Hope she has recovered - don't know what her plans are, it is a lovely sunny morning here.
Enjoy yourself at Long Eaton.
St. Pancras/Kings Cross refurbishment goes on endlessly and closing the ticket office for the train I then need to get to Debra's is a master stroke. I was seriously temped to vault over the barriers but my legs are too short.
I won't mention Decathalon and the empty swimming goggle box - I am still seething. Yvonne x
Yorkshire TV News:
Former Met PC (later higher rank) who was at Ollerton in 1984 deplored what they’d been asked to do and now believes it was the start of Force politicisation.
Why does Queen Victoria’s favourite blue looks fine on this photo of Trent Bridge but incongruous on Tower Bridge?
Doubtless you and Jill will disagree with me about that too!
Rockall Times reported Les Dennis died 10/01/2003 “commentators immediately speculated that a broken heart killed the ageing entertainer but coroner reported decapitation as primary cause of death.”).
He returned to play an incredibly impressive part on Ricky Gervaise’s ‘Extras’.
I love porridge and it’s very heart-good.
I favoured full-cream and Golden Syrup but now micro-make it half semi-skimmed, half water, pinch of salt and a desertspoonful Demerara.
I enjoyed Voltaire the electrician too.
Corned-beef hash not necessarily fattening.
Manchester friend made one tin feed six.
Otherwise it’s onion, potato (possibly swede and/or carrot), plus stock. NOTHING FRIED.
Opinion always available!
I recall once meeting the good vicar, I think at Brinsley.
Why metricate screws into packets of 5 or 10?
Dozens or half dozens far more practical.
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